Potting and Care Guidelines

Please follow the following guidelines without fail.
  • Please don’t use fertilized soil for initial potting
  • Use a smaller container for initial potting ( 5 to 6 inch pot or cover as per the plant size), use of bigger size pot will cause over watering and root rotting issues
  • Don’t remove the soil around the root portion
  • Use soil, cocopeat(or sand) in 2:1 ratio( *don’t use any other fertilizers* )
  • Water the plants and keep them in shade with enough indirect light
  • When the plant shows new growth(After 3 to 4 weeks),you can repot them to bigger pots or on the ground with enough fertilized soil, without disturbing the roots
  • Over watering will kill your plants. So water them only once the top soil start to dry
  • Don't keep them in dark area. Keep them in a space with enough indirect sunlight.
Happy Gardening 💚🌿.